Blog : Time (Wina Vandrea)

Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

Jadi begini ya saudara-saudara, gw kebetulan lagi getol banget sama yang namanya blog walking dan gw paling suka ngedatengin blog anak IH, entah mereka yang terdaftar di dalam blog roll blog gw sendiri atau yang menaruh link blognya di thread blog IndoHogwarts. Menurut gw isi blog kalian semua itu sangat menarik. Entah itu berupa racauan cerita sehari-hari atau curahan hati kalian yang menyangkut IH atau hal-hal sekitar kalian.

Entry blog-blog kalian itu is just too damn interesting to resist! Sampai-sampai gw tergoda buat naro isi blog kalian di sini. :p
Tentu saja gw ga akan naro tulisan yang menurut gw terlalu personal dan ga semua orang boleh boleh baca, tapi gw akan menaruh tulisan yang menurut gw inspiring, lucu atau just plain interesting.
Jangan marah klo hasil copasannya itu dalam bahasa Inggris karena gw sendiri juga nulis isi blog gw dalam bahasa Inggris. Lol. Tapi bahasa Inggrisnya ga susah kok dan gw sangat yakin klo member IH itu semuanya brilian dan pinter.

Ini dia blog perdana kita, from Wina Vandrea :

Friday, February 13, 2009


I have 24 hours a day, 60 minutes each. A minute consists of 60 seconds. And that means I have 86400 seconds in my every single day. But it's not enough for me since I've been having final tests preparation class after school every day, including my precious relaxing Saturday!

The class only takes 1.5 hours on Monday to Friday and 5 hours on Saturday, but it's my me-time it takes! No more naps, no more space to relax, to breathe. Maybe it's just me who is uncapable of arranging my schedules. Yeah, maybe it is. Still, I have rights to complain, don't I? Ask the whole 9 graders in my school, and you'll find them shout out loud how they hate the extra class. (yes, the preparation class is compulsory for us, dearie.)

So now I can tell you how precious is Sunday that always comes in the end of my 6-day-hell-consisted week. That's the only day when I could sleep till the sun hangs high up on the gloomy sky. Then usually the rain falls down to earth, sounding off a nature's music that I love so much. At the balcony, scratching anything on my A3 sketch book, enjoying damp scents around me with the music played through my ears. Ah, how I love those clear little drops so much.

And when I go back to my room, it feels like the clock's ticking too fast. It always feels so.

Who knows when your time would come? That's why I need more and more and more to live, to say, to breathe, to pond, to rest, to do. But life won't give you more than what you deserved. Hope my life won't be so short. At least, not too short to reach my dreams.

Hey, is to live to die?
Or is to live to play?

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